Hi, I’m Courtney.

I’m a Certified Life & Body Coach, mom of 3 boys, wife to a college basketball coach, and designer/CEO of grayc glass.

I hired my first life coach to help me increase revenue in my jewelry business.

But it turned out, working with a life coach in one area, elevated EVERY area of my life.

Let’s Talk about my BODY

I spent most of my adult life thinking that if I could just lose weight, life would be so much better.

If I could just cut out sugar all together, it would solve everything.

If I could have the will power to only eat one cookie, or only have one drink, I would look exactly the way I should look.

I was in a cycle of “starting on Monday”, I would lose a few pounds only to give up by the weekend.

I never admitted this to anyone of course, because if I did, they would tell me I looked great and I should get over myself.

Trust me, I tried.

It wasn’t until I hired a life coach that I learned that in order to lose weight in a sustainable way, I had to start with my mindset.

Once I learned the mindset tools to change how I think about food, about hunger, about my body, I lost weight permanently.

I continue to maintain my ideal weight with ease.

I eat healthy AND enjoy a cocktail and a cookie when I want.

And I feel freedom from thinking about food and my body all time!

This is body acceptance AND body up-leveling.

In my private one on one program I help women lose weight permanently and love the way they look & feel.

This is freedom.